Main Field
Education InProgress is an educational organization based in Italy (Messina) and (Spain) Palma de Mallorca.

Skills and Competences
Education InProgress staff is composed of pluriannual experienced staff, all with significant international experience, especially in the context of project management. Education InProgress staff has considerable know-how in terms of new technologies, entrepreneurship, education, social research, European planning, fundraising, and international cooperation.
Education InProgress conducts research, design, and training aimed at developing innovative methodologies and approaches that relate to the world of education & youth.
Our main target is composed of educational organizations (Schools, VET Schools, Adult Educational Schools, Universities), NGOs, foundations, public bodies, and private companies.
Learning Mobility of Individuals
Erasmus Mobility Network
Erasmus Mobility Network
Erasmus Mobility Network
Projects related to the Accreditation KA120 in the Adult Education field that focus on enhancing migrant inclusion, improving digital skills among teachers, staff, and students, emphasizing resource conservation promoting recycling practices among teachers, students, volunteers, and staff.
Vinci Per la Vita is a KA122-ADU Short-term project for the mobility of learners and staff in adult education. Our main goal is to improve the social inclusion of some disadvantaged groups of people and provide them with innovative tools and knowledge for their further professional aspirations. The two key points for this project to be successful are constant motivation and a multicultural approach. One of our activities includes the design of a simple app that could facilitate the language learning process. After the end of the project, the participants can still use the app they created to further improve their IT knowledge as well as their language skills.
Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Shared Responsibility

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Local Community Leaders
Local Community Leaders (LCL) is an ERASMUS+ project, the follow-up of the KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of adult. Its objective is to re-evaluate the role of the elderly. Its aim is to support people over the age of 50 in fulfilling their specific role as leaders in the local community. Divided into two parts.
ENTOS: Entrepreneurship Through Sport
ENTOS is a KA2 Erasmus+ project in the field of VET. It aims to develop an innovative course for sport teachers that mixes sport activities with the teaching of entrepreneurship values. The European Commission fosters the development of entrepreneurial skills as a key competence for young people in order not only to become entrepreneurs, but also to empower their employability by becoming able to better seize new opportunities.
EduSafe is a KA205 Strategic Partnerships for youth. It aims to collect a series of methodologies implemented during the emergency to support young people, that space from training young people on risk management to the adaptation of different activities to deal also emotionally with the pandemic. The goal is to create, with this material, a unique tool to support youth workers in their job.
Inclusive and sustainable growth for adults through Outdoor Experiential Learning is a KA210 Small Scale Partnership. It aims to bring together 80 adults from small towns in Romania and Italy. The training course will provide them with the skills and knowledge to become potential agents of change in their communities regarding sustainable practices and environmental protection.
Reaching the Stars is a KA 220 Cooperation Partnership in the Adult Sector. The project aims to develop pedagogical offline and online material that can be used with adult learners, and to expand and develop the skills of counsellors (as tutors/teachers /trainers /educators / social work technicians, psychologists, among others, depending on the context) who support these adult learners; and so to break new ground of lifelong guidance and counselling.
Key Competences is a KA220-ADU Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education in the Adult Sector. Our first aim is to develop upskilling pathways, improve accessibility and increase take-up of adult education. One of our objectives will be to improve the opportunities of participants through the development of personal, social, and learning competence. Lifelong learning in adult people will foster their employability and social and civic development. In this way, these people can be focused on enhancing personal, social, and professional skills.
Sustour Med is a KA210-VET - A small-scale partnership in vocational education and training. Our project will achieve tangible outcomes linked to the E+ priorities. One of our goals includes the upskilling of professionals and students that work in the tourism industry with important digital skills and green knowledge. Through using exprerimental practices and innovative tools we are planning to raise awareness to the public and professionals about the advantages of sustainable tourism and the effects of climate change for businesses. communities and the environment.
Primo Passo nel Digitale is a KA210-YOU - Small-scale partnership project. Its main objective is to improve inclusion and diversity in all fields of education including youth and trainers. The participants are coming from different backgrounds and the activities will assist them to achieve better digital skills and be more qualified in their respective fields. The most concrete result of the project activities will be a board game aimed at training these young participants. Then, the participants will use these newly acquired skills for the benefit of their communities and their professional fields.
Hints is a KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnership in Adult education for the mobility of learners and staff. Our main focus is empowering individuals and vulnerable groups with innovative tools to become active and responsible citizens. The two key points for this project are constant encouragement and a multicultural approach. One of our activities includes the creation of experiential learning workshops to test the collected best practices with local/associate partners, as well as for dissemination purposes. After the end of the project, the participants can use these practices to benefit their respective fields and local communities.
MBAT Seniors
Mindful Based Art Therapy for Seniors (MBAT Seniors) is an ERASMUS+ project in the field of ADULT, which aims to to equip adult educators, working with seniors, with exhaustive methodological material based on MBAT to face mental health problems caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
Algorithmic Thinking for Migrants Teachers Education
Algorithmic Thinking for Migrants Teachers Education (AT4MI) is a KA210-ADU project that has as its objective the creation and development of modern and digital training material, dedicated to trainers on the topic of Algorithmic Thinking. Specifically, 4 Lessons have been created for "permanent" learning and 4 for distance learning (in e-learning mode). The lessons produced are aimed at social and vulnerable groups, such as immigrants and refugees. The goal is to educate and train specific groups in modern digital skills, such as algorithmic thinking.
Enhancing Digital tools for an Inclusive Dyslexia Adult Education
Enhancing Digital tools for an Inclusive Dyslexia Adult Education, is a KA220-ADU project which aims to deepen knowledge on the phenomenon of adult dyslexia and on the effective methodologies that can facilitate the learning process for teachers and professionals who work with adults. In particular, we want to strengthen the skills and abilities of adult educators and trainers by providing them with innovative solutions based on a digital approach to teach adults with dyslexia.
Digital Hoop
Young Artists Empowerment
Creativity Circus for outdoor wellbeing
Creativity Circus for outdoor wellbeing is a KA210-ADU project whose aim is to resume a process of creativity and openness to the world thanks to new ways of enjoying free time in open spaces.
Seniors in green action (SIGA)
Senior in green action (SIGA) wants to encourage older people (54+) to engage in civic engagement in the field of ecology by raising awareness of the importance of environmental protection. SIGA projects wants to educate about the proper collection of wild medicinal plants with an emphasis on preserving the habitat of wild plants.
FOODCARE Mindful Nutritional Behaviour and Positive Culinary Trends for Life, Work and Planet Improvement
FOODCARE is an Erasmus+ project addressed to youngsters aged 15+, that invites them to adopt new culinary trends and healthy life-styles as a concrete change for climate challenges by using Social Media channels.