
Erasmus ART MARKET in Sežana

Erasmus ART MARKET in Sežana

Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana is organizing an Art Market, where students artpieces will be sold.
Šolski center is very active within ERASMUS+ Program, and thanks to that two experts of Education In Progres SPAIN from Palma de Mallorca have been invited to work with our Slovenian students.

Teresa Ruiz de Lobera, Artist and Trainer, is teaching to the students new techniques, but above all how to create small artipieces that can be converted into unique decorative products.

Teresa and a group of local artists organize monthly Art Markets in many towns of Mallorca with the same final goal: to bring some art into people's home and people's heart.
This is the experience that Teresa is sharing with the students
That is what will be sold in the Art Market, small artistic products that bring with them the value to be unique because hand-maded by the students of Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana.
Soon X-Mas arrives, what a better opportunity is this to start thinking about X-Mas gift?
Don't think twice and come to buy some unique artpieces created by our young artists!

Karin Callipo of Education In Progress SPAIN is teaching to the students the importance of a good advertising communication by training them to write articles and managing Social Media tools fort he promotion of the Erasmus Art Market.
Today, 25th November 2021, Erasmus Art Market is going to be opened from 13:00 to 14:00 in Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana.
Erasmus Art Market is something more than a market, it is the result of a trustful and long-term cooperation that only Erasmus can suceed to create: intercultural learning, mutual support, exchange of good practices and innovation.
Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana and Education In Progress SPAIN are honoured and delighted to work together again.
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Eduation In Progress SPAIN - Facebook / Instagram
Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana - Facebook / Instagram


 Education In Prorgess ITALY

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 Education In Prorgess SPAIN

Carrer del Bisbe Massanet, 6-1B
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