Erasmus Mobility Network (EMN) is a HEI Consortium (KA108) led by Education InProgress ITALY and joint by the following partners:
a) with the role of Sending Organizations
• University of Messina
• University of Catania
• ABADIR (Arts Fine Academy)

b) with the role of Intermediary Organizations
• Assocamerestero
• Education InProrgess SPAIN

 c) with the role of front-office and administrative support
• ESN Messina

The aim of EMN contributes to create an European Education Area and wants to establish a long-term partnership strategy all around Europe. Therefore, EMN increases the internationality, interculturality and European dimension of all the partners involved and at the same time the possibility of enrich their experiences through exchange of good practices.

How is it possible in pratice?
Well, Erasmus Mobility Network offers the opportunity to experience a mobility abroad as:
● Traineeship for students and recent graduates
● Training courses, Study visit and Job-shadowing for professors and administrative staff

For more info, look at the Project WebSite


 Education In Prorgess ITALY

Via Ducezio, 15
98124 Messina, Italy

+39 328 379 3721

 Education In Prorgess SPAIN

Carrer del Bisbe Massanet, 6-1B
07005 Palma de Mallorca
Islas Baleares, Spain

+34 666 701 245

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