Reaching the Stars
Project Description:
Reaching the Stars, number ID 2021-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000026027, has as its main objective to increase the quality of adult education by innovating effective ways to help them “reach for the stars”, i.e. their dreams and visions for the future.
In particular, the objectives of the project are the development of offline and online digital pedagogical material for:
Final Results:
The results of the project are mainly three:
Reaching the Stars, number ID 2021-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000026027, has as its main objective to increase the quality of adult education by innovating effective ways to help them “reach for the stars”, i.e. their dreams and visions for the future.
In particular, the objectives of the project are the development of offline and online digital pedagogical material for:
- improve the quality of education for adult students;
- expand and develop the skills of counselors (such as tutors/teachers/trainers/educators/technical social workers, psychologists, among others, depending on the context) who support these adult learners and, therefore, open new avenues of guidance and counseling throughout the span of life.
- young adults who have just finished high school;
- long-term unemployed;
- immigrants;
- adults released from prison;
- adult students with low educational attainment who are finishing their formal education;
- tutors/teachers/trainers/educators/technical social workers.
- Deinde Sp. z o.o - Poland;
- Ljudska univerza Celje - Slovenia;
- Education In Progress - Italy.
Final Results:
The results of the project are mainly three:
- A Handbook for guidance and counseling in adult learning;
- A manual dedicated to the main target group, i.e. adult students;
- Online educational materials focused on guidance and consultancy.