HINTS (multidisciplinary approacH to the social INtegration of Third-country nationalS)
Project number: 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000034915
HINTS aims to enhance the social inclusion and integration of Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) by developing an e-Guidebook that compiles best practices for professionals working with TCNs, emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach. HINTS will collaborate with consortium partners to improve the quality of services targeting trans-European networks, equipping them with the e-Guidebook and facilitating the exchange of best practices. Additionally, HINTS will raise awareness among vocational training centers, social enterprises, and other stakeholders regarding migrant integration and support, while engaging local communities in promoting the value of multidisciplinary approaches to migrant integration, thus combating marginalization and fostering more inclusive societies.
Target Group:
- TARGET USERS: Multidisciplinary professionals including counsellors, trainers, mentors, adult educators, and other VET professional working with TCNs
- BENEFICIARIES: Adult newly arrived migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who face socio-economic obstacles and other vulnerabilities in the hosting countries.
Coordinator and Applicant:
- Connect Your City LTD - Cyprus
- Forum Citoyens - Burgers asbl - Belgium
- In Progress - Italy
Final Results:
- One Guidebook with best practices about the social integration of TCNs, divided into 4 topics: Education, Intercultural, Family and Social Life, and Employability, in English, Greek, Italian and French
- 4 national multi-festivals implemented with 40 stakeholders & 80 local community attendants each (minimum)
- 4 short-term training activities with an overall of 48 educational mobility’s to test and validate the collected practices - 4 national pilots on each topic