Seniors in green action (SIGA)
Senior in green action (SIGA) wants to encourage older people (54+) to engage in civic engagement in the field of ecology by raising awareness of the importance of environmental protection. SIGA projects wants to educate about the proper collection of wild medicinal plants with an emphasis on preserving the habitat of wild plants. Many people collect wild plants, but they do not take into account the amount of collected plants or the method of collection, which most often unintentionally contributes to the devastation of the habitat of wild plants and their natural environment.
SIGA projects wants to teach to older people (54+):
- how to preveserv the environment by collecting wild herbs in compliance with the principles of sustainability;
- how to use these herbs to make various preparations for health preservation and disease prevention.
SIGA project will do that by creating a "Home Herbal Pharmacy" mini-curriculum on sustainability and environmental protection, as wel as how to prepare a manual with recipes for making natural medicinal preparations.
The Manual will be published on a digital platform and will be for free to all the potential users interested in it.
With this project, we also create an opportunity for learning within the family, and therefore creating an opportunity for an intergenerational transfer of knowledge.