FOODCARE Mindful Nutritional Behaviour and Positive Culinary Trends for Life, Work and Planet Improvement

FOODCARE is an Erasmus+ project addressed to youngsters aged 15+, that invites them to adopt new culinary trends and healthy life-styles as a concrete change for climate challenges by using Social Media channels.

Instagram and TikTok want to reach them and to invite them to become “Change Agents” for active citizenship. That means, relevant contents are launched online and addressed to catch youngsters’ attention and to invite them to know more by visiting FoodCare Website, where they can find “Didactic Materials” to learn more about the topic and learn new things.
Education In Progress SPAIN cooperates with CONVENT CENTRE, as partner for this project.

FOODCARE  purposes are:

  • raise awareness about ways that contribute to reacting to environmental and climate-change challenges
  • show innovative practices to prepare learners, staff and youth workers to become true agents of change implementing behavioral change by culinary adaptation towards environmentally friendly food and measures that also help avoid food waste
  • encourage healthy life-style and well-being
  • promote entrepreneurship, creative learning and social entrepreneurship
  • improve 21st century life skills
  • understand cultural identity by engaging in intercultural dialogue on culinary heritage and food trendsTo know more, visit our project website.

To know more, visit our project website.


 Education In Prorgess ITALY

Via Ducezio, 15
98124 Messina, Italy

+39 328 379 3721

 Education In Prorgess SPAIN

Carrer del Bisbe Massanet, 6-1B
07005 Palma de Mallorca
Islas Baleares, Spain

+34 666 701 245

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